Flavored Milk
1% Flavored Milk is Back!
In an effort to increase milk consumption and participation in school meals, USDA is allowing all schools to offer 1% flavored milk for the 2018-2019 school year. Curious how this change could impact your program? See what 300 schools who added 1% flavored milk during the 2017-2018 school year had to say.
Milk – whether white or flavored – provides the same powerful package of nutrients!

Feel good about flavored milk! The flavored milk served in schools is low fat or fat free and lower in sugar than ever before. For many reasons, flavored milk is an important part of school meals. Research shows that children who drink flavored milk drink more milk overall, have better quality diets, do not have higher intakes of added sugar or fat, and are just as likely to be at a healthy weight compared to kids who do not consume milk.