Kati Lawyer-Hale

Letter from a Vermont Dairy Farmer: Fuel Up to Play 60 Students & Staff Make a Difference

Dear New England Fuel Up to Play 60 Students & Program Advisors,


Thank you for helping make a difference in the schools in our community, and in the lives of students across the country through your participation in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program!

Kati speaking at a Fuel Up to Play 60 school event in her community.


I’m inspired by the leadership you and your Fuel Up to Play 60 team exhibit. Your efforts have a tangible impact in our mission to create a healthier school environment that promotes student health, learning and achievement. I appreciate the hard work and dedication from your team to make healthy changes at your school, and I couldn’t be more proud to fund and promote this program.


Some of my earliest, fondest memories involve getting a pint of milk during recess in school. Milk is such a nutritious and delicious beverage. I attribute all my dairy consumption to the fact that my siblings and I never broke a bone! 


Now as an adult, I am privileged to visit our local school and talk about my favorite subject; farming! Being able to share my experiences as a dairy farmer, and educate students like you about where our food comes from, is a privilege for me. I like being able to connect others with all the work it takes to make the food they consume every day. 


Your commitment to building a healthy, high-achieving generation of youth means the world to me, and I’m grateful for all your advocacy on behalf of the Fuel Up to Play 60 program. As you know, the key to this program’s success is having a strong student foundation, a team of committed educators and community engagement.


I look forward to continuing to work together to keep building a healthy, high-achieving generation of youth!

Kati talking with local Fuel Up to Play 60 students during their lunch.




Kati Lawyer-Hale, Gervais Family Farm


Enosburg Falls, VT

Kati Lawyer-Hale

Kati Lawyer-Hale, daughter of Theresa Lawyer, and granddaughter of Robert and Gisele Gervais, is now an active member and partner at the family farm located in Enosburg Falls, Vermont. Learn more about the Gervais Family Farm on MustBeTheMilk.com.