Have you ever visited a dairy farm before?
Neither had a few of our New England Team Dairy bloggers! Walking alongside a dairy farmer and asking questions is a powerful opportunity to see firsthand how a dairy farm functions.
In celebration of World Milk Day, our bloggers Jenny Shea Rawn, Jill Castle, Katie Webster, Martha Pesa, and Michelle Nahom visited Freund’s Farm in East Canaan, CT to learn about sustainability initiatives, cow care, and responsible farm management from dairy farmer Rachel Freund.

After a 90-minute farm tour, Theresa Freund led us through a homemade meal of freshly-baked bread, multiple salads (spring, broccoli, and tomato), roasted root vegetables, asparagus egg bake, rhubarb and strawberry crumble, chocolate quinoa cake, peach iced tea, and mint ginger lemonade. I’m still happily full.

Yet bloggers had to work for their meal. Theresa taught the crew how to churn butter by hand!

About halfway through lunch, the rain began and continued to pour, and pour, and pour…

But our bloggers were champs, as they smiled, ate, chat, and provided video testimonials throughout the passing storm.

Look forward to our bloggers posts all June long. We’ll compile their efforts at the end of the month. Stay tuned!
Updated June 6, 2017