Fuel Up to Play 60 in New Hampshire: Jade

Fuel Up to Play 60 in New Hampshire: Jade

What does Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) look like in your backyard?   Since FUTP 60 is a nationwide, student-led healthy eating and physical activity program, we wanted to highlight your local student advocates.   Below, we chatted with New Hampshire’s 2016-17 FUTP 60 State Ambassador Jade.   Overall, what has been your …

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Fuel Up to Play 60 in Massachusetts: Indiana

Fuel Up to Play 60 in Massachusetts: Indiana

What does Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) look like in your backyard?   Since FUTP 60 is a nationwide, student-led healthy eating and physical activity program, we wanted to highlight your local student advocates.   Below, we chatted with Massachusetts’ 2016-17 FUTP 60 State Ambassador Indiana.   Overall, what has been your favorite memory from …

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Fuel Up to Play 60 in Rhode Island: Sophia

Fuel Up to Play 60 in Rhode Island: Sophia

What does Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) look like in your backyard?   Since FUTP 60 is a nationwide, student-led healthy eating and physical activity program, we wanted to highlight your local student advocates.   Below, we chatted with Rhode Island’s 2016-17 FUTP 60 State Ambassador Sophia.   Overall, what has been your …

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On the Farm: Our Bloggers and the Freunds

On the Farm: Our Bloggers and the Freunds

Have you ever visited a dairy farm before? Neither had a few of our New England Team Dairy bloggers! Walking alongside a dairy farmer and asking questions is a powerful opportunity to see firsthand how a dairy farm functions. In celebration of World Milk Day, our bloggers Jenny Shea Rawn, Jill Castle, Katie Webster, Martha …

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Food Network Star Taught Us About Dairy & Indian Cooking

Food Network Star Taught Us About Dairy & Indian Cooking

Food Network’s Aarti Sequeria of “Aarti Party” cooked up an Indian-inspired storm at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago, IL. As she seamlessly assembled Indian dry-rubbed ribs and a yogurt-based cabbage slaw, an audience member asked about where dairy fits in Indian cuisine. Dairy doesn’t immediately come to mind with Indian food, but Aarti had a …

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Why a Post-Exercise Smoothie Works

Why a Post-Exercise Smoothie Works

Whether it’s exercising in the heat or a high-intensity workout, my stomach doesn’t feel too great after exercising. So rather than avoiding foods and drinks completely, I still prioritize recovery nutrition with a nutrient-rich smoothie. Why? Because providing my muscles with the nutrients and my body with the fluid they need to recover is critical. My …

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Exercise Recovery: White or Chocolate Milk?

Exercise Recovery: White or Chocolate Milk?

Dietitians working in sports nutrition know that chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein, which makes for a balanced post-exercise snack. But what about white milk? In this blog post, you’ll learn about: The nutrient differences between white and chocolate milk. Why chocolate milk alone works for recovery. How to use white milk for …

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The Power of Probiotics

The Power of Probiotics

This post was written by staff dietitian Heidi Harkopf, MS, RD. Heidi works in Connecticut, and is New England Dairy & Food Council’s Director of Nutrition Programs. Normally, the kitchen isn’t a place where you want to invite bacteria into! But some bacteria are important for fermentation that creates delicious foods like cheese, yogurt, and …

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