Our Vermont State Ambassador, Travis Pepin, recently participated in a Fuel Up to Play 60 Kickoff event at his school. The Kickoff was held during the school’s open house to get students and faculty excited about the Fuel Up to Play 60 program in the new year. But that’s not all. Travis and his classmates also toured a local farm as part of their Kickoff.
Learn more about Travis’ experience in the blog post he wrote below!
Travis’ Blog Post

For the Troy Elementary School kickoff event our program advisor, Mary-Lou Bonneau, and our Fuel Up To Play 60 Club set up a table with pictures and posters and made smoothies at open house. We made over 200 smoothies for everyone and answered any questions people had. We also raffled off a bunch of Fuel Up To Play 60 items to help get the word out about the program. We made a video to show what we do to be active and how to get other students involved. This was a really fun event that I enjoyed!

The Fuel Up To Play 60 Club and our program advisor also made a presentation to our School Board and showed them the video and answered any questions they had about the program. They were excited about the program and what it has done for our school so far.
The Fuel Up To Play 60 Club and our program advisor also took a trip to a local farm, J&R Family Farm, owned by Jacques and Roberta Royer. We had a tour of the farm and were able to ask questions and pat the animals. At the farm the Royer’s also have a Cheese Shop where Mrs. Royer taught us the cheese making process. Their product, Nothin’ But Curd, was delicious!
-Travis Pepin, Vermont State Ambassador
Holding a Kickoff event is one of six steps needed to become a Touchdown School. Check out how we celebrated last year’s Touchdown Schools in this blog post!