Ally Gallop

Fuel Up to Play 60 in Massachusetts: Indiana

What does Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) look like in your backyard?
Since FUTP 60 is a nationwide, student-led healthy eating and physical activity program, we wanted to highlight your local student advocates.
Below, we chatted with Massachusetts’ 2016-17 FUTP 60 State Ambassador Indiana.
Overall, what has been your favorite memory from being involved in the Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) program?
My favorite memory has been the ability to interact with students from all over and share ideas!
Why did you initially want to become a FUTP 60 State Ambassador?
I wanted to sign up to make a change in my school and state, and work with high up people that are willing to help you.
What types of projects has your school’s FUTP 60 team accomplished?
We have accomplished several plays, as well as smoothies for breakfast and after school, a triathlon team that is being created, a cross country team is being brought back, and several other fundraisers. I’ve led most of our fundraisers as well as a project to recreate standards for wellness in our town.
As an outgoing state ambassador, how do you plan on remaining involved in the FUTP 60 program?
I plan on fundraising to attend the summit for as many years as I can, and just keep on bringing in new people as well as coming up with fresh ideas.
What is your favorite:

  • Way to get active? Running and doing a nice workout.
  • Healthy snack? Celery and peanut butter.
  • Hobby? Magic and fitness.
  • School subject? Gym.

What do you want to be when you’re older?
I want to be a business man and a politician, and joining FUTP 60 has helped me achieve that.
Updated June 19, 2017