Ally Gallop

Fuel Up to Play 60 in Rhode Island: Sophia

What does Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) look like in your backyard?
Since FUTP 60 is a nationwide, student-led healthy eating and physical activity program, we wanted to highlight your local student advocates.
Below, we chatted with Rhode Island’s 2016-17 FUTP 60 State Ambassador Sophia.
Overall, what has been your favorite memory from being involved in FUTP 60?
FUTP 60 has created too many great memories to pick just one. My favorite part of being involved with the program was having the opportunity to go to the Summit and meeting many unique fellow student leaders.
Why did you initially want to become a FUTP 60 State Ambassador?
As a child, and now as a teenager, I have always wanted to make an impact on my community, no matter how small or large. FUTP 60 caught my eye, and the opportunities the program offered seemed like a great way to promote healthy eating and exercise, as well as helping those around me, whether it be in my school, or my community.
What types of projects has your school’s FUTP 60 team accomplished?
This year, my school’s FUTP 60 team was able to receive a grant for a new Grab and Go breakfast cart, making breakfast more accessible and available for all.
In my school, I led the FUTP 60 team as well as the project to receive a Grab and Go breakfast cart to place in the foyer of my school.
As an outgoing state ambassador, how do you plan on remaining involved in the FUTP 60 program?
Although I will no longer be a state ambassador, I plan on continuing to be in involved with the program. I will continue to lead the FUTP 60 team at my school as well as helping to expand the program to other schools in my district.
What is your favorite:

  • Way to get active? Tennis!
  • Healthy snack? Fruits, such as bananas and grapes.
  • Hobby? Photography and cinematography.
  • School subject? Physics.

What do you want to be when you’re older?
After I graduate from college, I’d like to work in the field of computer engineering or bioengineering.
June 13, 2017