What’s it like to be a state ambassador? We’re rolling out the red carpet to introduce you to our five Fuel Up to Play 60 State Ambassadors throughout New England. Check out Prescott!

So far, what has been your favorite thing about being involved in the Fuel Up to Play 60 Program?
My favorite thing about the FUTP60 program is having the opportunity to speak about healthy eating and physical activity across the New England area and nationally. I also liked getting to meet kids just like me across the nation at the New England Fuel Up to Play 60 Reward Summit and the national Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador Summit.
Why did you want to become a Fuel Up to Play 60 State Ambassador?
I wanted to be a State Ambassador because I’ve always wanted to help people, especially my peers. Being a State Ambassador helps me to do so by encouraging them to live a healthier and more active lifestyle. Plus, I’m a huge Patriots fan, so being the State Ambassador for the state of New Hampshire and the Super Bowl 51 Champs is a great perk to the job too!
What types of projects has your school’s Fuel Up to Play 60 team already accomplished?
Just last summer I moved from Minnesota to New Hampshire. The big thing that I’ve done is start a FUTP60 club at Claremont Middle School. We have also been getting the word out about FUTP60 in my local community. We’ve accomplished a lot, from speaking at an assembly, to presenting at a school board meeting, to even meeting elementary school teachers and the local Kiwanis chapter. We did a major survey on school meals, introduced brain breaks to the classroom, and helped out the band with healthy snacks after the Memorial day parade. My FUTP60 team has worked hard to get the program known.
Throughout the 2017-18 school year, what do you hope to accomplish as a state ambassador?
As a State Ambassador, I really want the state of New Hampshire to know about FUTP60, and the perks of living a healthy lifestyle. I hope to use the public speaking skills that I have to ensure that this goal is completed! At my new high school, I want to use the grants available through FUTP60 to enhance the school cafeteria and breakfast program, and get the program implemented like I did at the middle school.
More specifically, what projects do you plan on leading?
I plan on leading the effort for FUTP60 to expand in Western New Hampshire. I also want to start getting public support for the program in New Hampshire, such has having interviews and speaking at events about healthy eating and physical activity in our schools.
What is your favorite way to get active?
I love doing sports, specifically track and soccer.